JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD) was retained by the Town of Lancaster to perform a hydraulic analysis and culvert capacity study for an existing culvert along Simme Road.
The existing culvert along Simme Road carries a Town Ditch conveying runoff from the area southeast of Simme Road north and ultimately discharging into Cayuga Creek. Over the past several years, residents located near the culvert crossing have complained of flooding during large storm events. JMD was tasked with investigating the culvert crossing, determining the capacity of the culvert and whether it was undersized, and making recommendations for replacement, if necessary.
Ultimately, the study determined that the culvert was undersized and recommended a replacement. The Town will be able to utilize this information for estimating prices for replacement and proceeding with the design phase of work.
The work performed includes:
Town of Lancaster
Construction Cost:
Project Duration:
Spring 2021
Key Services:
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis