A Certified WBE/DBE Engineering Firm

Seneca Bluffs Green Infrastructure

City of Buffalo, NY

JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD) was subcontracted by Barton & Loguidice to assist with the development of a Green Infrastructure Feasibility Study for the Seneca Bluffs Natural Habitat Park in the City of Buffalo.  The study was to focus on maximizing the green infrastructure potential for the front parking lot portion of the site, situated along Seneca Street, immediately adjacent to the Buffalo River.  The study was in support of the County’s grant application for GIGP funding from New York State.

The proposed alternative seeks to create a welcoming entry point to the park by providing clear access points, defined parking area, seating areas, picnic pavilions, bike storage areas, and better pedestrian access.  Stormwater from the parking lot will be captured in a variety of bioretention areas, permeable pavement areas, and stormwater street tree areas that not only provide treatment, but increase the aesthetics, provide habitat and diversification of species in the area, and provide shade.  Wet weather flow from the picnic pavilions and bicycle shelters with be treated with rain barrels and/or cisterns that allow for educational opportunities, as well as treatment.  Runoff from the street will also be directed into the interior treatment areas with curb cuts and drainage ways.  The water quality treatment proposed will help to increase water quality in the Buffalo River and may also help to reduce the number of overflows from CSO 050, located immediately adjacent to the project area.

JMD was contracted to assist with the engineering and design calculations in support of the feasibility study necessary for the grant application.

The work performed includes:

  • Prepared the Existing Conditions portion of the Feasibility Study, including descriptions of land use, bedrock, soils, water table, and other site considerations.
  • Determine drainage areas to all proposed stormwater facilities in the preferred alternative.
  • Prepared water quality treatment volume and facility sizing calculations for each treatment measure, as required for the grant application. 

Erie County Department of Environment & Planning,  Division of Environmental Compliance Services

Construction Cost:  

Project Duration: 
January 2021 – February 2021

Key Services:
Green Infrastructure Design, Report Writing, Environmental Screening

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