A Certified WBE/DBE Engineering Firm

Back Creek Road & Trevett Road Slope Failures

Erie County, NY

As part of Erie County Department of Public Works’ On-Call Civil and Geotechnical Engineering Term Contract team with Bergmann and McMahon & Mann Consulting Engineers, JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD) was subcontracted to provide design and permitting assistance.  Two of the subsequent projects were for slope failures at Back Creek Road along Eighteenmile Creek in the Town of Boston and Trevett Road along Spooner Creek in the Town of Concord.  Both failures occurred along stream meanders and resulted in roadway failures at the top of the bank.  The slope failures led to significant roadway damage resulting in closure of the roadways at both locations.

As part of the overall project, investigations were needed to identify the potential sources for the failures and alternatives were needed to repair and stabilize the slope, protect the slope from future stream stream or drainage issues, and repair the roadway.

As a subconsultant to Bergmann, JMD was responsible for the following tasks:

  • Assist in field evaluation for failure, including geomophological assessment for project corridor
  • Provide input for design of stream modifications to help stabilize lower portions of bank subject to stream action
  • Environmental permitting including USACE, NYSDEC, SHPO, and SEQR

Erie County Department of Public Works

Construction Cost:  

Project Duration:  
June 2019 – On Going

Key Services:  
Geomorphic Assessment, Environmental Permitting 

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