JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD) was subcontracted by Bergmann to serve as the senior technical oversight for at streambank stabilization project along Dutch Hollow Creek in Ellery, NY. The project is the continuation of a previous WQIP funded stream restoration project located approximately ¼ mile downstream. The original project came in under budget, so as an extension to the original project, the project team conducted an additional streambank stabilization project upstream on Dutch Hollow Creek along four properties with increasing bank erosion.
Dutch Hollow Creek is a relatively steep, flashy, gravel and cobble bed stream that ultimately discharges into Chautauqua Lake. Over the past decade, the stream has begun to significantly erode in certain areas, causing trees to fall into the channel, which further exacerbate the channel erosion. The erosion has led to a high sediment yield from the stream entering into Chautauqua Lake. As part of the lake management program to reduce algae blooms and increase the overall water quality of the lake, Dutch Hollow stream stabilization projects were highlighted by the Chautauqua Lake Watershed Management Alliance (CLWMA) as a means of reducing sediment yields in the lake.
JMD was brought on to the project team to provide senior technical guidance to junior engineering staff to help assess, design, and permit the streambank stabilization project.
The work performed includes:
Chautauqua Lake Watershed Management Alliance
Construction Cost:
Project Duration:
August 2020 – October 2021
Key Services:
Streambank stabilization, hydrology/hydraulics, environmental permitting, construction inspection