JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD) was contracted by the NYS Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (NYSOPRHP) to address a Red Structural Flag that was issued for deteriorated steel girders during the 2019 NYSDOT Biennial Bridge Inspection. The bridge is a two span steel girder structure and provides the only access to one of the maintenance shops in the park. Addressing the red flag and reopening the bridge was a top priority for the park. A Level One load rating was performed on the bridge and it was found the girders, even with significant deterioration, still had capacity to carry a legal live load and the bridge was reopened. JMD is currently working with NYSOPRHP to investigate superstructure replacement options to address the long–term functionality of the bridge.
The work performed includes:
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation
Construction Cost:
Project Duration:
January 2020 – On going
Key Services:
Bridge Inspection, Load Rating, Bridge Design