JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD) was subcontracted by Bergmann to provide construction management and construction oversight representing CSX Transportation (CSXT) for all work related to the construction of the new Rochester Amtrak Train Station that was on CSXT right-of-way or had the potential to impact CSXT right-of-way.
JMD was responsible for review of design plans prepared by the design-builder for conformance with CSX engineering standards and AREMA guidelines, including the grading and drainage for the new track construction and rehabilitation of four existing undergrade bridges.
During construction JMD was responsible for:
Extensive coordination between NYSDOT’s design-builder and CSXT labor forces was necessary to facilitate grading and drainage ahead of CSXT realigning 1,200 feet of track, construction of 6,400 feet of new track, installation of 4 new turnouts in mainline track, and the construction of two new signal control points. JMD also provided assistance with the development of legal agreements between CSXT and NYSDOT to cover perpetual maintenance at the train station, and developed cost estimates for CSXT to provide support for NYSDOT maintenance operations.
CSX Transportation
Construction Cost:
$30 million
Project Duration:
February 2014 – January 2018
Key Services:
Railroad Design, Construction Administration