JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD) was subcontracted by Popli Design Group to assist with the hydraulic analysis and environmental permitting for this locally administered federal aid (LAFA) bridge replacement project in Ontario County, New York. The study bridge carries Tileyard Road over Flint Creek through a rural portion of the Town of Gorham. The existing bridge is a single span, steel girder bridge, built in approximately 1938. The bridge is being replaced due to its age and deterioration, as well as its limited hydraulic capacity. The proposed bridge is wider, allowing for two travel lanes and shoulders, and a slightly higher low chord elevation to improve the bridge hydraulics.
JMD was contracted to perform a hydraulic analysis of Flint Creek in the vicinity of the bridge to conform with both NYSDOT standards and the FEMA criteria necessary for the floodplain development permit, as well as conduct the environmental screening and obtaining permits for the proposed work.
The work performed includes:
Ontario County Department of Public Works
Construction Cost:
$1.5 Million
Project Duration:
July 2019 – Ongoing
Key Services:
Bridge Hydraulics, Environmental Screening, Environmental Permitting, No-Rise Analysis