The Mid-Hudson Forensic Psychiatric Center (MHFPC) serves as a secure adult psychiatric center for patients admitted by court order. The Dormitory Authority State of New York (DASNY) is evaluating replacement of the existing MHFPC with a new 275 bed forensic services building. As part of this evaluation, JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD), a subconsultant to Ramboll/ O’Brien & Gere, completed preliminary design of a new sewer pump station to convey sanitary flow from the MHFPC to the City of Middletown Wastewater Treatment Plant, roughly 18,000 linear feet away with over 120 feet of elevation change along the alignment. In addition, JMD prepared a preliminary opinion of probable construction cost for the entire utility package, including the sewer route, a water main extension, and sewer pumping station.
The work performed included:
Dormitory Authority State of New York (DASNY)
Construction Cost:
Project Duration:
July 2020 – Ongoing
Key Services:
Pump Evaluations, Preliminary Cost Estimating, Report Writing