A Certified WBE/DBE Engineering Firm

Hemlock Smoke Testing

Hamlet of Hemlock, NY

JM Davidson Engineering, D.P.C. (JMD) was subcontracted by CPL to perform smoke testing for LCWSA in the Hamlet of Hemlock, New York. Smoke testing is a standard method of detecting defects in the sanitary sewer system. The process involves placing a high capacity blower on top of a sanitary manhole and blowing “smoke” into the sewer system. The smoke then escapes the sewer system through pipe connections, leaks or cracks in the pipes, or low vents in the system.

The purpose of the smoke testing was to identify potential sources of extraneous flow, infiltration and inflow (I/I), entering the sanitary sewer system.

The work performed includes:

  • Prepared GIS mapping of the study area incorporating sanitary sewer record information as obtained from CPL.
  • Developed an online inspection form to be completed during testing by JMD field staff to document findings.
  • Hand delivered door hanger notifications of the upcoming smoke testing to the residents in the study area.
  • Performed smoke testing for a designated study area of the sanitary sewer system. Testing required smoker set ups on nine manholes within the study area.
  • Documented with notes and photographs smoke sightings via an online inspection form and aerial mapping.
  • Prepared final report of the recorded information consisting of summary memo, inspection forms, and Excel summary table.

Livingston County Water and Sewer Authority

Construction Cost:  

Project Duration: 
July 2020 – August 2020

Key Services:
Smoke Testing

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