A Certified WBE/DBE Engineering Firm

JMD is pleased to announce that we have added smoke testing for sewer systems to our list of services.  Smoke testing is a relatively inexpensive method for identifying potential sources of inflow and infiltration (I/I) into a sewer collection system.  The test involves placing a high-powered blower within a sanitary manhole which blows liquid smoke throughout the collection system in the study area.  The liquid smoke is non-toxic and is not a danger to the sanitary system or local residents.  If there are sources of I/I into the collection system, the smoke will be able to permeate to the surface and be seen in the air.  Field staff walk along the collection system route looking for signs of smoke from areas such as residential down spouts, sanitary clean-outs or vents, residential lateral connection pipes, storm drain catch basins, or along the sanitary pipe and manholes themselves.  Rising smoke in any of these areas can indicate such things as an illicit connection to the sanitary, broken pipes, and faulty manholes. 

Our team of engineers and field staff work with our clients to determine the best strategy for conducting a smoke testing program within your given system.  During the testing, our team utilizes GIS mapping for tracking of potential I/I locations.  We also prepare field reports for each instance including information such as the street address, source of smoke location, and photographs.  The mapping and field reports, as well as a summary report are prepared for each of our clients to use in their future collection system planning and investigations.

As can be imagined, smoke billowing from pipes can raise alarm in uninformed people.  As part of our services, JMD will work with the local municipalities to inform and educate any necessary agencies and individuals about the smoke testing process.  Prior to testing, we will notify both the local police, fire department, public works department, and/or town engineer to be aware of our presence and testing schedule should they receive any calls, In addition we prepare mailings to be delivered to each of the residences in the study area in advance of our testing that describe the process and what they should expect and contact numbers for additional questions.

We are excited to be able to offer this service to our clients!  Please contact jdavidson@jmdavidsoneng.com if you we can help you on your next project!

Check out our Smoke Testing Information FAQs page for more information.