JMD was recently contracted by the New York State Parks to assist with the design a new $1.9 million multi-use trail through the Quaker Area of Allegany State Park. The trail, which extends for approximately 1.7 miles through the park, paralleling Allegany State Park Rte 3, also crosses over three streams and two sensitive wetland areas. In order to cross these natural features, four pedestrian bridges and a timber boardwalk were designed to carry the trail. The 12-ft wide paved trail is an excellent resource for local campers, bicyclists and hikers, increasing the accessibility and safety throughout the area.
The project went into construction last fall, with Union Concrete as the prime; and despite a few hiccups and delays from the COVID-19 pandemic, will be wrapping up this fall. JMD was down at the Park for the placement of two of the four pedestrian bridges in July. The bridges are 40, 50, 70, and 80 feet long steel truss structures with timber decks and were fabricated in Alabama by Pioneer Bridge. A timber boardwalk that carries the trail over the sensitive wetlands areas is to be constructed later this summer.
Allegany State Park, as well as many other parks across New York State, has been very busy this year with campers and hikers. The construction team has been limiting their work during early morning and evening hours to minimize the disruption to the local campers. The placement of the four pedestrian bridges was able to be accomplished in a short Thursday/Friday period at the end of July.
Construction will be wrapping up soon – but it has been exciting to see bicyclists and walkers enjoying the yet to be open trail. With this successful section of trail complete, Parks is looking to extend the trail another 3.6 miles in the Phase 2 project from the Quaker General Store to the Quaker Lake Bath House.
The video below shows the placement of one of the bridges on the concrete abutments. The photos show the bridges after placement.